Google Announces Google Chrome OS as OSS
Welcome Guys, today I've very good news for you,
Google has invited much of the technology press to an event at its Mountain View, California, headquarters on Thursday morning to demonstrate Chrome OS, which it is developing for netbooks as a new type of operating system. However, those of you who speak code can get started poking around with the operating system at the Chromium project blog, as spotted by the Google Operating System blog.
Google will show off the new OS for the first time on Thursday, and for the first time people can see the the OS, In my thoughts, Google Chrome will be the best ever lightweight Linux based notebooks OS, It is fully optimized for Internet navigation, and with the great variety of Google Applications, you can login to the system with your Google Account email, you can see your Gmail inbox, upload your photos and videos usint the greatest Picasa and YouTube, write documents on Google Docs, even if you a developer, you can access your Google Code Account, and the most exciting issue here, Google Wave, the newest innovation by google.
Most people thought Google Chrome will be commercial App, I myself think it will not, although Google have all the rights to make it so, and this will be perfectly underestandable, But I hope they release it as free opensource application.
Google has invited much of the technology press to an event at its Mountain View, California, headquarters on Thursday morning to demonstrate Chrome OS, which it is developing for netbooks as a new type of operating system. However, those of you who speak code can get started poking around with the operating system at the Chromium project blog, as spotted by the Google Operating System blog.
Most people thought Google Chrome will be commercial App, I myself think it will not, although Google have all the rights to make it so, and this will be perfectly underestandable, But I hope they release it as free opensource application.
I like Google too much, I like the way they though.
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